金融援助 Application Procedures

我们知道经济援助的选择可能会很复杂,而且没有两个家庭的经济状况是相同的. 我们的财政援助办公室是可用的,以提供指导和支持感兴趣的财政援助过程中的所有家庭.


Incomplete applications will delay your application processing and the payment of aid awards. Please note the following to avoid the most common reasons for an incomplete application:

  • Zero is a Valid Number for 资助表格
    Enter zero for all dollar value application questions which do not apply to you.
  • Signatures are Important
    一般, a signature is required by each person for whom information is reported on an application.
  • 迅速做出回应
    任何要求补充资料或澄清申请资料的要求,均须立即处理. 联邦处理器, 国家机构, 和学生经济援助办公室停止申请处理,直到收到所要求的信息.
  • Student's Info is Clearly Marked on Items Sent to Our Office
    Make sure the student's Name & 社会安全号码清楚地标记在任何信件或文件发送到学生经济援助办公室.

本科 First Year Students

这部分适用于从未上过大学,被认为是一年级本科生的学生. When applying for admission, simultaneous completion of your FAFSA is highly recommended

Application Priority Deadlines

For fall semester enrollment, Alfred University's priority application deadline is March 15 for first year students. 然而, applications should be filed as soon as possible after October 1. 优先申请截止日期适用于FAFSA和皇冠体育app财政援助申请. Early decision students refer to the "special students" section below. 只要资金允许,经济援助将授予被录取的学生,并在滚动基础上提供完整的援助申请. It is to the student's advantage to apply early. Estimated financial data may initially be reported on the FAFSA and subsequently updated. Alfred University will verify the actual income figures for enrolled students.

To be considered for all financial aid administered and awarded by Alfred University, all students are required to complete the Application for Admission, Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA), and their home state's scholarship/grant application. 参阅存档表格.

本科生 Returning to Alfred University

A student's eligibility for all University, federal and state need-based financial aid is evaluated on an annual basis. 希望申请资助的学生必须在申请资助的每个学年完成财政援助申请流程. To apply for University need-based aid and University-awarded federal need-based aid, 回国的本科生必须在下一学年的3月15日之前完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). Federal, state and University need-based aid is not automatically renewed. All current recipients of these types of need-based aid, or students interested in these aid programs, 必须每年申请. 指 文件形式. Applications are available at the Office of Student 金融援助 in December.

Alfred University Academic Scholarship recipients, 谁不希望被考虑为任何其他形式的援助,不需要提交任何经济援助申请.

只有当你在上一学年没有在皇冠体育app借联邦直接贷款(FDL),并希望在本学年这样做, please contact the Office of Student 金融援助. 证明自己是一名返回澳大的学生,以前没有在澳大借过富戴劳,并要求一份富戴劳主本票申请包.

Alfred University provides substantial financial support for graduate study. 大多数大学资助的援助是以助教和奖学金的形式提供的,由学术部门和皇冠体育app的教师顾问颁发.

On the assignment of assistantships, factors such as academic record, purpose in graduate study, professional accomplishments, 个人性格, and experience may be considered. The university also provides a limited amount of need-based hardship funding.

In addition to its own resources, 该大学参加了适用于其学位课程的联邦和州援助计划. The majority of this funding is in the form of low-interest student loans.

研究生必须完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA),以评估其直接贷款和研究生加贷款资格. 指 文件形式.

如果你在上一学年没有在皇冠体育app借入联邦直接贷款(FDL),并希望在本学年这样做, please contact the Office of Student 金融援助. 证明自己是一名返回澳大的研究生,以前没有在澳大借过富戴劳,并要求一份富戴劳主本票申请包.


在即将到来的学年中,希望有一个学期的合作学习机会的返校本科生仍然必须完成援助申请流程,并按照规定的截止日期完成申请. 参加一个学期的合作学习任务的学生被视为参与了全日制的教育学习经历. 然而, since student credits and tuition charges are less than half-time, aid eligibility is limited and not available under most aid programs.


一般, to receive any type of federal or state financial aid, 学生必须有高中文凭或普通同等文凭(GED),并参加学位课程. 作为特殊学生或根据提前录取计划被皇冠体育app录取的学生可能没有资格获得联邦和州援助计划.

提前决定学生-提前决定财政援助申请流程信息提供给每个提前决定录取申请人. If the financial aid application process is completed by the January 15 deadline, 被提前录取的学生将收到提前录取的预估经济援助奖励包. Financial aid awards are estimated prior to being finalized by completion of the verification process.

International Students

Financial aid and contact information.


兼职学生应该直接联系皇冠体育app学生经济援助办公室,讨论哪些经济援助方案适合他们的特殊情况. Students are considered part-time if enrolled for less than 12 credit hours per semester.

夏天 School Students

Financial assistance for the summer term is generally limited to the New York State TAP Grant, 联邦佩尔助学金, and the Federal Direct Loan. 大学助学金在学年期间使用,在夏季期间不能使用. For the determination of your summer term financial aid eligibility, an appointment with a financial aid counselor during the preceding spring semester is necessary.

出国留学 and Away Students

Students considering a study abroad/away experience should meet with a financial aid counselor, at least 60 days prior to making any enrollment commitment, to review financial aid options and procedures. 这一点非常重要,因为学生目前的经济援助可能并不总是适用于预期的出国留学/出国留学项目. 计划出国留学的学生必须先与皇冠体育app国际项目办公室会面,然后再与学生经济援助办公室预约审查出国留学援助方案. 学生将需要国际项目办公室的信息来预约他们的经济援助



For transfer students enrolling in the fall semester, the fall transfer regular decision priority application deadline is March 15. 然而, applications should be filed as soon as possible after January 1.

年中转学生在进入春季学期之前的12月1日有申请优先权. Transfer students should have their FAFSA and state grant records released to Alfred University. 学生可以联系他们目前的财政援助办公室或阿尔弗雷德的学生财政援助办公室,了解如何完成这些程序.

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