
We have a variety of scholarships available to help make an Alfred University education affordable for you.

奖学金是一种基于成绩的捐赠援助形式. 大多数奖学金的续期为四年. It usually denotes a merit-based award which recognizes academic achievement and promise or another special attribute. Alfred University offers a wide variety of scholarships to acknowledge the accomplishments s of new first year, 转学和国际学生. Scholarship amounts reflected on this webpage are for first time first year and transfer students, 并以学生第一年的学费为上限. Alfred University 奖学金 can only be applied to tuition costs and cannot be used to defray the costs of room and board or other expenses.


The Office of 招生 awards initial merit-based scholarships following a holistic review process including consideration of a student's cumulative GPA, 课程的严谨性和考试成绩(如提交). 学生在高中/大学课程中的优势, 领导与服务, and participation in extracurricular activities is also taken into consideration. A student must complete the entire admissions application process to be eligible for scholarships. There is no separate application process to be considered for initial merit scholarships.

学生有资格获得最高21美元的奖学金和奖励,000 (New York State School of Art and Design; Biomaterials, 陶瓷, 玻璃 & 材料科学工程),其他专业最高可达33,000美元.

Students who apply to the School of Art and Design will automatically be considered for this scholarship based on the work submitted in the portfolio. Students must complete the admissions process and submit their portfolio by February 1 for first-year students and March 1 for transfer students.

这个奖项 is given to students who have shown the highest level of academic excellence in their high school or previous college coursework


以…命名 第二任总统 of Alfred University, this award is given to recognize leadership and a strong academic potential.

为了纪念阿尔弗雷德, 撒克逊人的国王,全民教育的捍卫者, 该奖项旨在表彰那些具有伟大潜力的新兴学者.

这个奖项, 纪念大学建校年, is given to students who have demonstrated the tenacity and grit to succeed that has defined Alfred students since our founding.

Phi Theta Kappa
Full-time transfer students who are currently members of PTK will automatically be considered for this scholarship.

除非另有说明, most undergraduate scholarships are renewed on an annual basis as long as a student is enrolled full-time (12 credit hours) and maintains satisfactory academic progress.

  • 参观奖:每年$1,000
    资格: Make an official visit to Alfred University by March 1 of the year you intend to enroll. 完整的官方访问名单可在此找到: 访问授予
  • 荣誉奖:每年1000美元
    资格: 申请荣誉课程 3月1日之前,并被接受进入荣誉课程. 请注意, this award is only available to students who apply to the 荣誉 Program during the admission process - current students at Alfred University who apply to the 荣誉 Program after matriculating will not qualify.
  • 离家近奖:每年2000美元
    资格:3月1日前申请 & 住在下一个纽约 & 宾夕法尼亚州县:阿勒格尼、卡特劳古斯、肖托夸、奇蒙、斯凯勒、 & 斯托本和布拉德福德,麦基恩,波特,泰奥加, & 沃伦.
  • 遗产奖:每年2000美元
    资格: Did you have a sibling, parent and/or grandparent graduate from Alfred University? 如果是这样,你将获得每年2000美元的奖学金. 你只能获得一次奖学金, 不管有多少家庭成员从皇冠体育app毕业. 继父母/祖父母也符合条件.
  • 军事奖 - Did you know that members of the military and those in the ROTC program are entitled to exclusive benefits, 包括获得州和联邦援助的资格? 除了通过FAFSA申请联邦援助, Alfred University strongly encourages you to consider applying for additional financial assistance.
  • 兄弟姐妹助学金——经济资助名额为12人.每个兄弟姐妹的学费减免5%
    资格: 家庭 that have two or more children attending Alfred University concurrently enrolled on a full-time basis. When there is one remaining sibling enrolled at the University the grant will revert to the Legacy Award.
  • 皇冠体育app奖学金:每年18,000 - 30,000美元
    资格:就读于美国或美国领土的高中 在大三被学校直接提名.

Alfred University also offers 竞争奖学金 for first year students who may compete in the academic areas of engineering, 数学, 英语作文. 奖学金每年为1000至2500美元. 奖学金可以续签,前提是学生保持在3分.0 cumulative grade point average, continuous full-time enrollment, and good citizenship.

The competitions are held on the Alfred University campus during the fall and winter of the senior year of high school. 莱利亚E. 塔珀写作比赛是由论文提交决定的.


莱利亚E. 塔伯写作比赛


Full-time students who are certified as eligible to participate by a member institution within the 学费 Exchange Inc. Program are eligible for the standard full-time tuition rate up to a maximum of eight semesters for enrollment in one of the University's undergraduate degree programs.

奖学金由大学委员会在竞争的基础上颁发. 候选人是根据高中/大学的学习成绩来评估的, 标准化考试成绩, 课外参与, 和国籍.

Students must apply for admission by the preferred application deadline of February 1st. 被学费交换公司认证为有资格参加. member institution and demonstrate a completed application for admission with all supporting documents and credentials by February 15.

财政援助办公室很高兴能与 ScholarshipUniverse -一个使资助和申请外部奖学金更容易的工具.

It is a matching system that maximizes scholarship opportunities for students. It allows students to create an academic profile that enables them to connect with various external scholarship opportunities. Updating your profile regularly will ensure you are seeing all of the external scholarships for which you qualify.


  • You answer questions and are matched to scholarship opportunities for which you are eligible
  • You can easily apply online to multiple scholarship opportunities through a personalized portal
  • 您可以通过门户跟踪您的申请状态
  • 当你匹配到一个新的奖学金机会时,你会收到通知
  • 您将收到关于未完成任务和下一步的自动提醒


  • 当前和新存入的学生将访问 ScholarshipUniverse 输入你的阿尔弗雷德证书
  • There are detailed ScholarshipUniverse navigation instructions and FAQ's built in that you may find helpful as you explore the tool

*请注意:ScholarshipUniverse仅与Google Chrome兼容, Mozilla Firefox和Microsoft Edge浏览器.


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